Роскошный галстук с люрексом, эффект голубого кружева на черном фоне, ручная работа в Италии.

Коллекция осень-зима 2021 – Роскошный галстук из драгоценной шерсти высочайшего качества, эксклюзивный галстук ручной работы в Италии, идеальный для официальных случаев, идеальный для деловых встреч и превосходный для стильных личностей. Портняжные галстуки Italo Ferretti производятся вручную в Абруццо, Италия, с 1967 года.


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Italo Ferretti’s exclusive handmade ties are realized with unique patents in the world, invented by Mr. Italo himself, and using the highest quality materials and standards in the world. A rare international excellence in the production of luxury accessories and clothing. Thanks to the reinforcement applied on the tail, the three additional seams, and the double turn-ups, Italo Ferretti ties are more balanced and stable than the common ones. In addition, the anti-crease seams make the neckties perfectly smooth and regular under the collar. All Italo Ferretti luxury ties are equipped with the exclusive ‘shuttle’, a special ring born from the genius of Mr. Italo, which keeps the tie in the correct position without the use of a tie clip. Italo Ferretti products, handmade in Italy, are among the best in the world for quality, style, design, and manufacture. Italo Ferretti ties are available in a large variety of styles and color combinations to satisfy any fashion needs and are also customizable in any detail. The perfect bespoke accessory to emphasize your look and show your personality. A tie is a fundamental detail in elegant and formal occasions such as business meetings, glamorous events, or weddings, for a refined groom’s suit, or a spirited wedding witness’ ensemble. Italo Ferretti customizable ties are the ideal accessory also for informal occasions, for casual yet full of style outfits, and are distinguished by an unparalleled elegance offering the chic and refined touch that does not let you go unnoticed.







Советы, как сохранить красоту шелкового галстука Italo Ferretti:
  • Держите галстук, повесив его на вешалку.
  • Никогда не снимайте завязанный галстук.
  • Избегайте контакта с дождем или химическими веществами
  • химчистка в специализированных прачечных
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