Unique braided necktie, customizable bicolor check pattern style and sleek knot, handcrafted in Italy

Precious entwined silk satin necktie, completely customizable in colors and measurements. Exclusive Italo Ferretti design, extremely peculiar and edgy, it is the perfect tie for strong and daring personalities, and for original-look fashionistas.


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The sartorial bicolor braided silk ties by Italo Ferretti are unique tailored pieces handmade by Irene, our expert Italian tailoress. The crossed necktie is a work of entwined silk stripes that can be chosen from the Permanent Collection. Dedicated to those who desire a made-to-measure and customized product. Italo Ferretti makes you show your personality and your luxurious and unique style. Perfect for extremely elegant, formal, and glam occasions: ceremony, wedding, groom and guest, and wedding witness, the unmistakable creative genius of Italo Ferretti will make you be at top of your exclusive bespoke style.
Italo Ferretti custom ties are meticulously handmade in our headquarters in Abruzzo, Italy.








Tips to preserve the beauty of an Italo Ferretti silk tie intact:
  • store the tie by hanging it on the hanger.
  • never put away the knotted tie
  • avoid any contact with rain or chemicals
  • dry clean in specialized laundries
All orders are delivered in an Italo Ferretti blue cardboard package (box or sachet), the products are wrapped in Italo Ferretti signed tissue paper and silver ribbon. Italo Ferretti products all have the authenticity label and no. patent, when required.
When ordering, you can include, if desired, a card accompanied by a personal message, writing your wishes in the comments / notes area. A customer can replace a gift. For more details, please contact Customer Service.