Refined handmade tie in 100% silk, blue background and panther emblem and ITA tricolor at knot

Italian Police Collection – Pantera Line – High quality silk tie, the Panther, which has always been the symbol of the Flying Squad, a constant safeguard of security and proximity throughout the national territory. Italo Ferretti tailored ties have been handcrafted in Abruzzo, Italy, since 1967.


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The State Police add new elements to their clothing and accessories collection and choose Italo Ferretti as the official licensee authorized by the Department of Public Security for the creation and marketing of the new State Police brand neckties.
The project is developed on two lines: the Aquila (Eagle) line and the Pantera (Panther) line. This exclusive collection is uniquely designed by Italo Ferretti for the State Police, a civil administration with a special system, the first Police Force with general jurisdiction. Since 1852, the men and women of the State Police have been at the service of citizens and democratic institutions with the task of ensuring public order and safety and providing for the prevention and repression of crimes.







Tips to preserve the beauty of an Italo Ferretti silk tie intact:
  • store the tie by hanging it on the hanger.
  • never put away the knotted tie
  • avoid any contact with rain or chemicals
  • dry clean in specialized laundries
All orders are delivered in an Italo Ferretti blue cardboard package (box or sachet), the products are wrapped in Italo Ferretti signed tissue paper and silver ribbon. Italo Ferretti products all have the authenticity label and no. patent, when required.
When ordering, you can include, if desired, a card accompanied by a personal message, writing your wishes in the comments / notes area. A customer can replace a gift. For more details, please contact Customer Service.